hello world

Dimi Paun dimi at lattica.com
Thu Jun 16 14:20:36 CDT 2005

From: "Scott Ritchie" <scott at open-vote.org>
> Hmm, once I finish tackling the User's guide (Brian just sent me the
> work he did on the Winecfg section that still needs to be polished), 

Cool, let us know how it goes. Now that Alexandre switch
the config to winecfg, it can go in.

> might be a very good idea to nearly rewrite the Winelib guide,
> particularly the intro.  Is anyone else working on this at the moment,
> or is it basically an open task?

Yes, it is an open task. Would ge _great_ if you can tackle it.

Dimi Paun <dimi at lattica.com>
Lattica, Inc.

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