rsaenh: Test and correct the maximum allowable salt length

Juan Lang juan.lang at
Sat Aug 2 17:41:43 CDT 2008

James, please show a little more courtesy.

> Who is this and why is this so important?

Karsten wrote a patch to address an issue he had with Eve Online.
It's important because of attribution:  I wanted people to realize
that I was indebted to him for thinking of it.  I didn't use his code,
though, otherwise I would have said "based on a patch by Karsten
Elfenbein."  You'll find many such changelog entries in the CVS log.
You can find his old patch by googling.

> What in the hell does this patch do?  Why is it needed?  What does it
> fix/implement?  Doees this change affect any Bugzilla issues? Where is
> the Changelog?

The Changelog is the subject of the email, and that's what showed up
in the commit log.  As far as what it does and why it's needed, it
fixes a bug (obviously), whose presence is shown by the test.  Karsten
didn't open a bugzilla entry, otherwise I would have referenced it.

> This is what I have been trying to get you to do.  I have no idea what
> you are up to and I have NO access to IRC or other alternate forms of
> messaging/communications other than this mailing list.

I'm not sure what you mean by trying to get me to do.  You've emailed
me once before when I neglected to put the magic words "try 2" in the
subject of an email.  I'm not sure what that has to do with this.

As far as not having access to other forms of communication, you're
not really on this list, either, at least you don't use an email
address we can reply to without jumping through some hoop.  There's no
missing communication.  All the communication about this issue took
place in this forum and wine-patches.

> Let's try to do things better in the future.

Sorry, I'm doing things just fine.  Read the commit logs.  You may try
to do better in the future if you wish.  You could start by being more

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