Patch checking robot coming

Dan Kegel dank at
Mon Aug 4 07:00:56 CDT 2008

On Mon, Aug 4, 2008 at 1:55 AM, Francois Gouget <fgouget at> wrote:
> So all the bot has to do is to run git-blame on each failure line to get
> its unique id, then check the unique id against the list of
> known/allowed (intermittent) failures, and only fail the patch if the
> failure is not in the list.

Great idea, thanks!  I had been toying with ideas like
'only alert to diffs from yesterday' (but that's noisy)
or 'run failures repeatedly' (to help with flaky tests)
and 'ignore line numbers', but your idea sounds a lot better.

>> and valgrind.
> There you have to take into account that for the past week we've had an
> average of 56 patch submissions per day. So if you want the bot to keep
> up it means it must spend less than 25 minutes on each patch. But if you
> want to have a little bit of room for growth it limiting it to 15
> minutes per patch (96 patches/day) would be better...

Right, but this is very parallelizable.   Valgrinding on my dual core
machine takes 90 minutes now, so we'd just need four equivalently
powerful machines.  Not scary at all.  (It would help if Alexandre
would commit the parallel conformance test patch, otherwise I'll
probably need eight machines.)
- Dan

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