Implementing a new Direct3D function

Gardou Jérôme jgardou at
Mon Mar 10 11:35:35 CDT 2008

Stefan Dösinger <stefan at> a écrit : Am Sonntag, 9. März 2008 19:52:12 schrieb Jérôme Gardou:
> Also, d3dx9 provides support for multiple file format (PNG, TGA, BMP...). I
> assume I'll have to add those dependencies in the build process.
As far as I know GDI handles them, so you can use GDI functions here, and GDI 
in turn alredy has the dependency on the external libraries
Yes, but that would be very incomplete. GDI has only limited support for PNG and JPG files, and doesn't handle TGA at all.

Though this will be useful for DIBs, DDS and BMPs.

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