Winetest broken on Win98

Maarten Lankhorst m.b.lankhorst at
Thu May 22 17:14:35 CDT 2008

Hello Francois,

2008/5/22 Francois Gouget <fgouget at>:
> So if anyone has been wondering why I don't run the tests on Win98
> anymore... I still do! The problem is that since 2008/05/08 something
> prevents winetest from submitting the results.
> The 200805062030 winetest build works fine so that leaves a two/three
> days window where things went wrong. Unfortunately I have been unable to
> pinpoint a specific test that causes the problem.
> Here's a log I generated with the 200805211000 build:
> I let winetest run for 90 minutes (normally it's over in about 15), then
> Windows was frozen, not responding to Ctrl-Alt-Del, using all the CPU
> and I had to hit VMware's reset button.
> The last test that was run is setupapi:parser, but according to the log
> it completed fine, and I can run it by hand just fine. Still according
> to the log the next test did not even start.
> Unfortunately the list of potential suspects is quite long. It would
> help if I could at least cross-build winetest but I always get errors
> (e.g. due to d3dx9_36). What happened to the resolution to get rid of
> the dependency on MinGW libraries? Alternatively, where's the lastest
> version of w32api with d3dx9_36?

You can build mingw using wine headers.

If you have a ${GIT_TREE} with the sources, and a compiled ${LINUX_TREE} :

pwd to an empty directory (${MINGW_TREE}) to build mingw in:

Then do this:

cat > no_except.h << __EOF__
/* exceptions noop */
#define __try
#define __except(x) if (0)
#define __finally
#define _try
#define _except if (0)
#define _finally


"${GIT_TREE}/configure" --host=i586-mingw32msvc \
    --with-wine-tools="${LINUX_TREE}" --without-freetype --without-x

XCPPFLAGS="-include ${MINGW_TREE}/no_except.h -I$WINE_SRC/include "\

XLDFLAGS="-L ${MINGW_TREE}/libs -L ${MINGW_TREE}/libs/wine"

function imake {

imake -C libs
imake -C include
imake -C dlls implib
cp -v dlls/*/*.a libs
rm -f libs/libmsvcrt.a # Use mingw msvcrt library

cd dlls
for testdir in */tests; do
    imake -C "${testdir}"
cd ..

imake -C programs/winetest

This was based on john klehm's script, but I had made some
modifcations to run it in an automated fashion with the rest of my
build scripts.


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