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Wine Weekly News Issue 237

August 27, 2004

WWN Issue 237 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 236

August 20, 2004

WWN Issue 236 was released today.

Web Site Updates

August 18, 2004

A bunch of website updates have poured in over the past week. Tom Wickline updated the status pages, including the addition of builtin versions of atl.dll, d3dxof.dll, dbghelp.dll, and mlang.dll. Our janitorial projects received a bit of their own janitorial clean up courtesy of Dimi Paun. They also saw the addition of -Wsign-compare as a useful gcc warning to turn on (suggested by Mike McCormack.) Finally, over on the downloads page we've added Fedora Core 2 and White Box Enterprise Linux targets as part of the Red Hat packages maintained by Vincent Béron.

Wine 20040813 Released

August 15, 2004

Yes.. it's that time of the month again. What's new in this release:

  • New msiexec application.
  • Support for alpha blending.
  • More sound support improvements.
  • Various code cleanups.
  • Lots of bug fixes.

Read more about this release, or just go download it.

Wine Weekly News Issue 235

August 13, 2004

WWN Issue 235 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 234

August 6, 2004

WWN Issue 234 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 233

July 30, 2004

WWN Issue 233 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 232

July 23, 2004

WWN Issue 232 was released today.

Wine 20040716 Released

July 20, 2004

What's new in this release:

  • Implementation of the Microsoft Installer dll.
  • Beginnings of proper inter-process window repaints.
  • Several DirectSound improvements.
  • Fixes for the regressions caused by the new filesystem support.
  • Lots of bug fixes.

Read more about this release, or just go download it.

Wine Weekly News Issue 231

July 16, 2004

WWN Issue 231 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 230

July 9, 2004

WWN Issue 230 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 229

July 1, 2004

WWN Issue 229 was released today.

Interview with Shachar Shemesh

June 29, 2004

This week Shachar Shemesh took some time to discuss internationalization efforts in Wine and how support for languages such as Hebrew and Arabic have improved.
read the interview...

Wine Weekly News Issue 228

June 25, 2004

WWN Issue 228 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 227

June 18, 2004

WWN Issue 227 was released today.

CodeWeavers' CrossOver Office Update

June 17, 2004

CodeWeavers announced a minor bugfix release to CrossOver Office, version 3.0.1. It's primarily aimed at Fedora Core 2 users, though there are small changes for everyone else.

Wine 20040615 Released

June 15, 2004

What's new in this release:

  • Major winedbg rewrite using the dbghelp dll.
  • New Wine preloader to reserve memory areas at startup.
  • Many improvements to the audio support.
  • Lots of bug fixes.

Read more about this release, or just go download it.

Interview with Lionel Ulmer

June 15, 2004

Over the past year and half Wine's DirectX support has improved immensely. Lionel Ulmer is one of the driving forces behind that effort and this week we took a moment to talk with him about it.

read the interview...

Wine Weekly News Issue 226

June 11, 2004

WWN Issue 226 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 225

June 04, 2004

WWN Issue 225 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 224

May 28, 2004

WWN Issue 224 was released today.

Interview with Steven Edwards

May 25, 2004

We got a chance recently to sit down Steven Edwards and grill him about Wine, ReactOS, and everything in between.
read the interview...

Wine Weekly News Issue 223

May 21, 2004

WWN Issue 223 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 222

May 14, 2004

WWN Issue 222 was released today.

CodeWeavers' CrossOver Office 3.0 released

May 11, 2004

CrossOver Office 3.0 is available for purchase from CodeWeavers' website. This is the first major release of the product in over a year. Some of the news things you'll find are:
  • Newly added support for Lotus Notes (versions 5.0 and 6.5.1), Microsoft Project, and Outlook XP
  • Merged codebases between CrossOver Office, CrossOver Plugin, and Wine. That means CrossOver Office now includes all the features of CrossOver Plugin and there's no need to purchase two separate products.
  • A new licensing program intended to appeal to the needs of home users versus business users accompanies the new features. Appropriately, there are different price points as well.