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Interview with Jukka Heinonen
July 10, 2003
Wine 20030709 Released
July 10, 2003
More Direct3D and DirectSound improvements, inter-process clipboard
support, locale handling improvements, more progress on the
kernel/ntdll separation, and the usual load of bug fixes.
read more about this release...
Wine Weekly Newsletter Issue 177
July 4, 2003
Wine Weekly Newsletter Issue 176
June 27, 2003
Interview with Martin Wilck
June 24, 2003
Martin Wilck is interviewed by Brian Vincent in our series
of interviews. Read the
Wine Weekly Newsletter Issue 175
June 20, 2003
Wine 20030618 Released
June 18, 2003
More Direct3D and DirectSound improvements, and tons of fixes merged from
CrossOver Office 2.0, and a new iphlpapi dll included, as well as lots of
additional bug fixes.
read more about this release...
Wine Weekly Newsletter Issue 174
June 13, 2003
Interview with Mike McCormack
June 10, 2003
Mike McCormack is interviewed by Brian Vincent in our series
of interviews. Read the
Wine Weekly Newsletter Issue 173
June 5, 2003
Wine Weekly Newsletter Issue 172
June 3, 2003
Wine Weekly Newsletter Issue 171
May 27, 2003
Interview with Andreas Mohr
May 20, 2003
Andreas Mohr is interviewed by Brian Vincent in our series of interviews. Read the
Wine Weekly Newsletter Issue 170
May 16, 2003
Wine Weekly Newsletter Issue 169
May 9, 2003
Wine 20030508 Released
May 8, 2003
Some more reorganizations of the source tree, a few more
steps towards kernel/ntdll separation, many Direct3D improvements,
more compatible COM interfaces definitions, and lots of bug fixes.
read more about this release...
Interview with Eric Pouech
May 6, 2003
Eric Pouech interviewed by Brian Vincent in the fifth
issue of interviews. Read the
Wine Weekly Newsletter Issue 168
May 2, 2003
WineHQ Server Crash
April 26, 2003
WineHQ's web server died this week of catastrophic hardware failure. The
server was offline for about 8 hours as we built a new machine and
restored the files. Everything seems to be in place and functional
again. If you notice things still broken and/or missing please
contact us at
[email protected].
Now back to your regularly scheduled Wine programming.
Wine Weekly Newsletter Issue 167
April 26, 2003
Interview with Jeremy White
April 22, 2003
Jeremy White of CodeWeavers is interviewed by Brian Vincent in the fourth issue
of our series of interviews. Read the
CrossOver Office 2.0.0 Released
April 22, 2003
CodeWeavers has released
Office 2.0.0. This new version adds support for Photoshop 7.0
(other versions of Photoshop work as well), Word XP, Excel XP,
and PowerPoint XP. Photoshop even has support for tablets under
Linux. There is now a trial version of CrossOver Office available
for download.
Wine Weekly Newsletter Issue 166
April 17, 2003
Interview with Marcus Meissner
April 16, 2003
Marcus Meissner is interviewed by Brian Vincent in the third issue
of our series of interviews. Read his
Wine Weekly Newsletter Issue 165
April 11, 2003