

Latest news in the Wine community.
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Wine 20050419 Released

April 19, 2005

Typically development slows as summer approaches, but March showed a lot of new additions. Alexandre released a new version of Wine today:

  • Mailslot support.
  • Support for side mouse buttons (X buttons).
  • More Richedit improvements.
  • Loading of Windows registry files disabled for now.
  • Many code cleanups.
  • Lots of bug fixes.

Binary packages are in the process of being built, but the source is available now. You can find out more about this release in the announcement. Check out our download page for packages for your favorite distribution.

Wine Weekly News Issue 270

April 15, 2005

WWN Issue 270 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 269

April 8, 2005

WWN Issue 269 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 268

April 1, 2005

WWN Issue 268 was released today.

CrossOver Office 4.2

March 30, 2005

CodeWeavers announced version 4.2 of CrossOver Office today. This release adds support for EndNote 8, Quicken 2005, QuickBooks 2001-2004 and iTunes 4.7.1. The Server Edition product has been updated as well. Besides the new application support, bug fixes and stability improvements for other applications are included. For more details, see the changelog.

Wine Weekly News Issue 267

March 25, 2005

WWN Issue 267 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 266

March 18, 2005

WWN Issue 266 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 265

March 11, 2005

WWN Issue 265 was released today.

Wine 20050310 Released

March 10, 2005

Alexandre released a new version of Wine today with the following changes noted:

  • Initial implementation of a true Richedit control.
  • Shell extension for browsing Unix directories.
  • More MSI work.
  • PBuffer support in OpenGL.
  • Window painting regressions should be fixed.
  • Lots of bug fixes

Binary packages are in the process of being built, but the source is available now. Read more about this release, or just go download it.

Status Updates

March 7, 2005

In belated news, we've updated some pages on WineHQ. Tom Wickline reviewed and made some changes to Wine's status pages To get a feel for the progress, check out the status page changelog. Dimi Paun went through the to do list and marked a few tasks as complete. Finally, we had a janitorial task marked as complete to use Interlocked functions in AddRef and Release methods.

Wine Weekly News Issue 264

March 4, 2005

WWN Issue 264 was released today.

Independent Sources Confirm Wine Popularity

February 25, 2005

According to Microsoft, Wine ranks as the number one cross-platform API translation technology:

    "As the most popular third-party translation technology in use, Wine was the first emulator to be specifically tested for via WGA" - Microsoft spokesperson

Feel the love.

Wine Weekly News Issue 263

February 25, 2005

WWN Issue 263 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 262

February 18, 2005

WWN Issue 262 was released today.

Microsoft Checks For Wine

February 17, 2005

We're on the radar screen.

Microsoft's new Windows Genuine Advantage program seeks to curb software piracy by allowing downloads only to licensed copies of their operating systems. To do this, an executable named GenuineCheck.exe (MD5 hash = 05499eaa4d4f55af32f5b14561ee7e55) gets downloaded if you go to their website with Firefox. If you happen to look at the strings in that file, you'll notice a reference to a registry key that looks curiously familiar: SOFTWARE\Wine\Wine\Config. That little string, albeit subtle, happens to be the first Wine-specific test Microsoft has made in a program.

Any developers from Redmond wishing to report bugs in Wine are encouraged to use our Bugzilla database.

Wine 20050211 Released

February 11, 2005

This month's CVS snapshot is out. Alexandre noted the following additions:

  • Still more work on the MSI dll.
  • More OLE work, including a builtin stdole32.tlb.
  • Fixed inter-process window resize and repaint.
  • Lots of bug fixes.

Binary packages are in the process of being built, but the source is available now. Read more about this release, or just go download it.

Wine Weekly News Issue 261

February 11, 2005

WWN Issue 261 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 260

February 6, 2005

WWN Issue 260 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 259

January 28, 2005

WWN Issue 259 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 258

January 21, 2005

WWN Issue 258 was released today.

WineConf 2005

January 18, 2005

WineConf 2005 is coming to Europe! Mark your calendars for April 30th and May 1st and start making travel arrangements. This year's WineConf is being hosted by the University of Stuttgart's Institute of Communication Networks and Computer Engineering. For more info, see the WineConf 2005 web pages. We're currently working on arranging some lodging options, please let us know as soon as possible if you plan on attending.

Wine Weekly News Issue 257

January 14, 2005

WWN Issue 257 was released today.

Wine 20050111 Released

January 14, 2005

A new CVS snapshot with the following additions came out this week:

  • Many OLE bug fixes and improvements.
  • A lot more work on the MSI dll.
  • Update regions now handled in the Wine server.
  • Beginnings of typelib generation in the IDL compiler.
  • Many janitorial cleanups.

Most binary packages have already been put together or you can compile the source yourself. Read more about this release, or just go download it.

Wine Weekly News Issue 256

January 7, 2005

WWN Issue 256 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 255

December 31, 2004

WWN Issue 255 was released today.