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Wine Weekly News Issue 285

July 29, 2005

WWN Issue 285 was released today.

Wine 20050725 Released

July 25, 2005

July's CVS drop is out. Alexandre noted the following changes in Wine 20050725:

  • Beginnings of theme support in common controls.
  • Many MSHTML improvements.
  • A bunch of OLE fixes for InstallShield installers.
  • Many Direct3D fixes and improvements.
  • Beginnings of LDAP support.
  • Various cleanups after removal of the config file.
  • Lots of bug fixes.

Binary packages are in the process of being built, but the source is available now. You can find out more about this release in the announcement. Check out our download page for packages for your favorite distribution.

Wine Weekly News Issue 284

July 22, 2005

WWN Issue 284 was released today.

CodeWeavers Installer Challenge

July 19, 2005

Do you have a program that just won't install with Wine? CodeWeavers accounced a major initiative today to get programs to install with a current copy of either Wine or CrossOver. If your application just won't install, CodeWeavers promises to fix the bugs in Wine preventing installation. In return, you get to write a regression test that can be run to make sure future changes don't break your installation. It's a win-win situation for you, Wine, and CodeWeavers. For details check out the instructions for the Installer Challenge.

Wine Weekly News Issue 283

July 15, 2005

WWN Issue 283 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 282

July 8, 2005

WWN Issue 282 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 281

July 1, 2005

WWN Issue 281 was released today.

Status Page Updates

June 30, 2005

Tom Wickline has updated Wine's status pages. For a quick snapshot of what's been updated over the past month, see the status pages' changelog.

Wine 20050628 Released

June 28, 2005

Wine 20050628 is out and we've got a boatload of changes, many of which are centered around configuration. Here's what's new:

  • Configuration settings moved to the registry.
  • Graphical Wine configuration tool is now enabled.
  • More MSI and OLE improvements.
  • Reorganisation of the DirectDraw directory.
  • Initial support for webcams.
  • Lots of bug fixes.

Binary packages are in the process of being built, but the source is available now. You can find out more about this release in the announcement. Check out our download page for packages for your favorite distribution.

Wine Weekly News Issue 280

June 24, 2005

WWN Issue 280 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 279

June 17, 2005

WWN Issue 279 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 278

June 10, 2005

WWN Issue 278 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 277

June 3, 2005

WWN Issue 277 was released today.

Wine & Google's Summer of Code

June 1, 2005

Get your code on!

The Wine project will be one of the organizations participating in Google's Summer of Code. If you're a student and want to get paid cold, hard cash for writing open source, check out their participant FAQ. If your proposal is selected, you'll receive $500 to get started and $4000 when you complete your project. Proposals are due by June 14th.

To get involved with Wine and find a project, check out the following resources:

Wine Weekly News Issue 276

May 27, 2005

WWN Issue 276 was released today.

Wine 20050524 Released

May 24, 2005

After a short lull for WineConf, development picked back up in May. The past week has seen a flurry of patches. Alexandre released a snapshot today with the following changes noted:

  • Many MSI improvements.
  • More features in the file manager.
  • Better compatibility for Winelib import libraries.
  • SGML documentation moved out of the source tree.
  • Header files cleanups.
  • Lots of bug fixes.

Binary packages are in the process of being built, but the source is available now. You can find out more about this release in the announcement. Check out our download page for packages for your favorite distribution.

Wine Weekly News Issue 275

May 20, 2005

WWN Issue 275 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 274

May 13, 2005

WWN Issue 274 was released today.

Wine & the Software Freedom Law Center

May 11, 2005

We are pleased to announce the Software Freedom Law Center will be providing legal counsel to the Wine project. The SFLC stands at the forefront of legal representation for free and open source software. Its distinguished board includes Eben Moglen, Lawrence Lessig, Diane M. Peters, and Daniel J. Weitzner. From the press release:

    "As open source projects are increasingly threatened by excessive litigation, technological successes must be partnered with solid legal principles, said Eben Moglen, chairman of the Software Freedom Law Center. "The Wine Project is a particularly important example. By representing the Wine Project, the Software Freedom Law Center will enable further adoption of the project's benefits and increase confidence among users."

Wine Weekly News Issue 273

May 6, 2005

WWN Issue 273 was released today.

Wine Wiki

May 5, 2005

We've got our own Wiki now! Thanks to Dimi Paun for putting it together the Wine Wiki and hosting it. So far we've put in a user area and a developer area. Feel free to add whatever useful information you think should be on there. This is community driven, we can't do it without your help!

WineConf 2005 Summary

May 3, 2005

A special edition of the Wine Weekly News was released today as a summary of WineConf 2005.

WineConf 2005 Wrap Up

May 1, 2005

WineConf 2005 has wrapped up. Everyone had a great time, albeit pretty tired. We have a bunch of people that really helped out and it's amazing how many people worked on a pretty seamless event. Mr. Ulrich Gemkow with the University of Stuttgart put together the venue and organized the local student organization, Fachschaft Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (pictured above). Finally, the Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart, David Gümbel with ITOMIG, and Jeremy White of CodeWeavers provided a bunch of behind the scenes support, including financial help. Thanks everyone!

We'll try to post a full summary in a few days. We recorded the presentations, so hopefully we can get those up as well.

Wine Weekly News Issue 271

April 22, 2005

WWN Issue 271 was released today.

WineConf 2005: Coming Soon

April 21, 2005

WineConf 2005 will be descending on Stuttgart next weekend! It's still possible for developers to make last minute travel arrangements.