

Latest news in the Wine community.
More news can be found in our World Wine News Archive

Wine Weekly News Issue 301

December 11, 2005

WWN Issue 301 was released today.

Wine 0.9.3 Released

December 11, 2005

A new CVS snapshot is out, wine-0.9.3. Alexandre noted the following changes:

  • Many marshalling fixes in rpcrt4.
  • Various OLE improvements and fixes.
  • Better audio driver management in winecfg.
  • Many wininet fixes.
  • Several Web browser improvements.
  • More dbghelp APIs implemented.
  • Directory objects in wineserver.

Binary packages are in the process of being built, but the source is available now. You can find out more about this release in the announcement. Check out our download page for packages for your favorite distribution.

Wine Weekly News Issue 300

December 2, 2005

WWN Issue 300 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 299

November 25, 2005

WWN Issue 299 was released today.

Wine 0.9.2 Released

November 22, 2005

We had a second drop from CVS for the month, wine-0.9.2. The announcement noted the following changes:

  • Winelib Explorer app (just a wrapper around winefile for now).
  • Debugger cleanups and improvements.
  • Many wininet fixes.
  • Better autogenerated API manpages.
  • A bunch of Korean translations.
  • Lots of bug fixes.

Binary packages are in the process of being built, but the source is available now. You can find out more about this release in the announcement. Check out our download page for packages for your favorite distribution.

Wine 0.9.1 Released

November 9, 2005

A CVS drop came out today with the tag wine-0.9.1. Alexandre noted the following additions:

  • Support for Find function in regedit.
  • Winelib app to eject a CD.
  • Many MSI improvements.
  • Better support for running text-mode apps without X.
  • Improved support for various code obfuscation tools.

Binary packages are in the process of being built, but the source is available now. You can find out more about this release in the announcement. Check out our download page for packages for your favorite distribution.

Wine Weekly News Issue 298

November 4, 2005

WWN Issue 298 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 297

October 28, 2005

WWN Issue 297 was released today.

Wine 0.9 Press Release

October 25, 2005

As you can see, it's been a pretty active day for Wine news. Read our official Wine 0.9 press release.

    "The Wine Project, the community of free software developers dedicated to opening Linux and other POSIX compatible operating systems to Windows applications, today announced the completion of the core architecture for Wine, an open-source project that allows Windows applications to run natively on Linux. Now available as Wine version 0.9, the tools and libraries are functionally complete and ready for commercial testing and optimization."

CrossOver Office 5.0

October 25, 2005

Coinciding with today's beta release of Wine, CodeWeavers announced version 5.0 of CrossOver Office. See the official press release and announcement for more details. This version has a lot of new stuff under the hood, a lot of which can be found in Wine's beta release. The biggest news in this version is the support for Microsoft Office 2003. A new idea, bottles, allows for the management of Windows applications.


October 25, 2005

Tagged a few minutes ago in CVS:

It will likely take a little while for the binary packages to get built (which we suggest you use.) An official press release later today will have more details on what you can expect from this release.

Wine Weekly News Issue 296

October 25, 2005

WWN Issue 296 was released today to celebrate Wine's beta release.

Wine Weekly News Issue 295

October 21, 2005

WWN Issue 295 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 294

October 14, 2005

WWN Issue 294 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 293

October 7, 2005

WWN Issue 293 was released today.

Wine 20050930 Released

September 30, 2005

One last alpha release: Wine-20050930. Noted changes include:

  • Joystick force feedback support.
  • Beginnings of Win64 support.
  • Many MSI fixes and cleanups.
  • Font linking support.
  • Several OLE fixes.
  • Some fixes for MacOS/x86.
  • Lots of bug fixes.

Binary packages are in the process of being built, but the source is available now. You can find out more about this release in the announcement. Check out our download page for packages for your favorite distribution.

Wine Weekly News Issue 292

September 30, 2005

WWN Issue 292 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 291

September 23, 2005

WWN Issue 291 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 290

September 16, 2005

WWN Issue 290 was released today.

Wine 20050830 Released

August 30, 2005

In what may possibly be your last chance to get a release of Wine while it's still alpha software, Alexandre dropped Wine-20050830 from the CVS tree. Noted changes include:

  • A lot more theming support.
  • Many improvements to the various crypto dlls.
  • More LDAP support.
  • Beginnings of an MSXML implementation.
  • Better MSHTML support.
  • Emulated version now set to Windows 2000 by default.
  • Direct3D fixes and improvements.
  • Lots of bug fixes.

Binary packages are in the process of being built, but the source is available now. You can find out more about this release in the announcement. Check out our download page for packages for your favorite distribution.

WineHQ has moved!

August 30, 2005

We moved WineHQ to a new ISP today. The website was down for a while, but now things are working well again. There still may be a few quirks here and there. We are on top of those and things will be smooth again soon.

Now back to your regularly scheduled Wine hacking.

Wine Weekly News Issue 289

August 26, 2005

WWN Issue 289 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 288

August 19, 2005

WWN Issue 288 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 287

August 12, 2005

WWN Issue 287 was released today.

Wine Weekly News Issue 286

August 5, 2005

WWN Issue 286 was released today.